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Original Short Animation - Off Work

Is it that every time it's almost time to get off work, the boss or leader will come to you, either to assign work or review results, or even if there's nothing to do, they will still hold a meeting. The work hours are idle, and work or even overtime only begins after getting off work. So this little animation was born. It's precisely because of such a system, or the idea of not leaving on time, thinking that overtime is good, that kind of mindset that leads to operational problems in the company. Everyone is not thinking about how to improve efficiency or create value, but only considering the duration of work, trying to get that insignificant overtime pay (which actually doesn't exist) and then wasting time, wasting life. At a time when we should be with our families, we choose to work overtime. At a time when we should be with our parents, we choose to work overtime. In this way, many people are wasting their lives, all in meaningless overtime work, so our society has no progress at all.

Below is my small animation series Part 2 002

Still frame



Synthesis 2_00075

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